Our Growing Family: Adopting from Haiti

Adoption...it is an exciting and yet somewhat frightening path to follow. I've decided to create a blog to describe this journey for several reasons: to document our adoption process, to help others who may have some of the same questions and concerns that we have or once had, and to share our experiences with our friends and family.

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord." --Romans 12:11

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Waiting Game

Each day I think about writing a new post for all our friends, family, or whoever wants to read our blog, but then I think . . . why? I have nothing new to say. Each day is another day of the waiting game, which seems never ending. But then I look at the big picture and think about how fast life goes by; Rosey is now in 10th grade and Joey 5th. Where did the time go?

This week we were sent pictures of Judson crawling...unbelievable. And even though he weighs only 11 lbs or so at eight months old, he looks healthy. His expressions are lively and engaging. He laughs easily and takes a few steps if you hold on to his hands. His skin and hair show no signs of malnourishment. I thank God for his health and pray that he continues to thrive inspite of his inablility to eat beyond a bottle. If I look past missing him, I have a lot to be thankful for and a great deal to write about.


  1. Hooray for a crawling, growing little boy! He'll be home soon!

  2. I never imagined I could become so attached after spending only one week with him.

  3. Hi Laurie, I'm new to your blog, but I wanted you to know that I had the privilege of spending a week in Haiti and the honor of meeting your son, Judson. What a charmer he is, and what a blessing he will be to your family. I'm so glad to see you blogging, because I'd love to stay current on your journey with the medical visa and of course the day that Judson comes home for good.

  4. I am sure that someone may have already mentioned it to you, but I was able to get him to eat some baby food while I was there! He seemed to like it very well! That was the week of May22nd through the 28th!
