Our Growing Family: Adopting from Haiti

Adoption...it is an exciting and yet somewhat frightening path to follow. I've decided to create a blog to describe this journey for several reasons: to document our adoption process, to help others who may have some of the same questions and concerns that we have or once had, and to share our experiences with our friends and family.

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord." --Romans 12:11

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Let's Count Our Blessings

I cannot believe Thanksgiving is here already. When I reflect on this past year, my heart expands. We have so much to be thankful for this holiday season. The Lord is so faithful to those who serve him; that is something I will never doubt. I remember how we prayed to bring Judson home. It is true the Lord makes a way where there seems to be no way. If I took the time to list all the ways he's blessed us this year, it would take me another year to type it. Even in the hard times, the sad time, He was just as present as He was during the moments of joy. Friends, never doubt that the Lord loves you and that he is here for you every moment of every day.

God bless you!