Our Growing Family: Adopting from Haiti

Adoption...it is an exciting and yet somewhat frightening path to follow. I've decided to create a blog to describe this journey for several reasons: to document our adoption process, to help others who may have some of the same questions and concerns that we have or once had, and to share our experiences with our friends and family.

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord." --Romans 12:11

Monday, September 27, 2010

Judson's dedication

Yesterday, September 26, 2010, Judson Elijah Haag was dedicated to the Lord at Praise Fellowship church. Judson’s dedication was something that we’ve been looking forward to since before he came home from Haiti. Haiti has a long history of Voodoo and the practice and rituals are still common among non-Christian Haitians. In fact, some who claim to be Christians still participate in Voodoo ceremonies and rituals. Childbirth is one place were these rituals are prevalent. In missionary Jeanne DeTellis’ book, she writes about a time she was asked to come and help save a mother who was having a difficult labor, mother and baby were in distress. When Jeanne arrived she found that the woman’s family and friends intended to call on Voodoo to save the mother and child, but they wanted Jeanne’s help as well. The Voodoo was a backup plan in case God didn’t come through. Jeanne stood her ground and said that the Voodoo had to go or she would let them die. There was no way she was going to allow them perform a satanic ritual if they wanted her help.

This is the type of background Judson comes from; Voodoo is everywhere in Haiti. It’s part of the culture, the history, and is still practiced by many Haitians today. Thankfully more and more people are turning to the one true God—Yahweh, and are becoming what they refer to as “converted.” They are learning of the love and forgiveness that can be found only in Jesus Christ. We are thankful that Judson will not have to grow up seeing Voodoo as something “normal.” Although we don’t know what happened to him during his mother’s pregnancy or the five months he lived with her before he was given up for adoption, we do know that he is covered in the blood of Jesus and that whatever may have happened in the past, is just that—in the past.

Congratulations on Judson Elijah on your dedication. We love you!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It has been eight weeks...

It is amazing how much our family has changed or at least seems to have changed since Judson came home eight weeks ago. This little boy has brought so much peace and joy into our home. We know we are walking in God’s will.

It also seems that Rozii and Joey have grown up recently. They used to argue so much more, but now they are usually kind and helpful to each other. And there isn’t so much complaining and bickering between them. This isn’t always the case of course or else they wouldn’t be siblings, but still, there is a peace between them that wasn’t there before. They love Judson so much and Rozii has given him the nickname “Baby J.,” which has stuck.

Rozii is talks constantly about her classes, colleges and her future goals. She looks differently at school this year than she has in the past. Amazingly enough, she’s decided to skip Driver’s Ed. this fall, as she feels her upcoming trip to Haiti is a more important use of finances. She has decided to live at home for the first few years of college and take her general credits at either UW—Sheboygan or Lakeland, and then has three Christian colleges that she’s picking from for the remainder of her bachelor’s degree. She wants to go full-time into the mission field as a youth pastor. Currently she is a junior youth leader for Element.

Joey has stepped out of his shell a great deal this year. In addition to his usual basketball season, he is the vice president of student council and a member of the safety patrol at Wilson. He is very excited about this additional responsibility. He is a very polite and kind-hearted young man who always thinks about the feelings of others.

It’s so exciting to watch our children grow and mature. They are such beautiful people and have amazing hearts for the Lord.

Thank you Father God.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Judson's homecoming

Judson Elijah Haag came home from Haiti on July 24th, 2010 (7 weeks ago), one of the happiest days of our lives. He is a happy and loving little boy who enjoys interacting with his family and singing to music (in his own way--loudly), clapping his hands, and kicking his little feet. Laughing is part of his nature; he smiles easily. He crawls on all fours (hands and feet, not knees), and he took his first steps this week. I have a feeling that he’ll be walking by his first birthday (Oct. 1).

Medically he’s doing well too. Since his arrival he’s had a small procedure on his tongue, which went smoothly, and he’s no longer tongue-tied. He was incredibly cute as he just sat there looking at the doctor with curiosity and didn’t shed a tear throughout minor surgery.

Currently Judson weighs 15.4 lbs and is 28 ½ inches long. When he arrived in the U.S., he was 13.2 lbs. He is still at zero percent for weight on the standard growth chart but is making significant gains. He arrived from Haiti with ear infections in both ears and for five weeks we tried multiple types of antibiotics. Today Judson’s ears are improving but one still isn’t quite where it should be.

God has blessed us with a remarkable little boy to love. He has brought our family closer together and teaches us new things about what it means to love every day. Thank you Lord. Your Word is true. You are a faithful God who hears the prayers of those who serve You.

I just want to say thank you to our friends and family who have been praying for us during this time of transition. We appreciate you more than words can say.