Our Growing Family: Adopting from Haiti

Adoption...it is an exciting and yet somewhat frightening path to follow. I've decided to create a blog to describe this journey for several reasons: to document our adoption process, to help others who may have some of the same questions and concerns that we have or once had, and to share our experiences with our friends and family.

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord." --Romans 12:11

Saturday, September 3, 2011


It's here! After working on this adoption for 21 months, TODAY we received our OFFICIAL finalized adoption from Haiti. I wasn't expecting the REAL documents this soon as everything in Haiti is such a long process, and we just received the scans two weeks ago. But it's here with the Judge's signatures and court seals/stamps in INK!

I've never seen anything like these documents; they are definitely not from a first world country. They were generated on a type writer and one of very poor quality, the paper is ledger size and has been folded multiple times in various directions depending on the document. There are no real margins and the words and signatures nearly go off the page at times. But there are stamps and dates and signatures in all different colors. They are the most beautiful documents I've ever laid eyes on because they say that my little boy is forever my little boy.

Praise God!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


On Wednesday August 24th we received a copy of Judson’s official adoption decree via email. It has been registered at the registrar’s office in Haiti, and he now official has our last name. That night after everyone was in bed, I sat alone in the office reading and rereading every word of the court minutes and the adoption decree. I love saying his full name and knowing that it is for real. We share the same last name . . . finally!

Once we let out a loooong held breath and thanked God for His faithfulness, we began the process of getting Judson a permanent visa, which is necessary so we can adopt him here in the United States. It continues to be a long process, but so worth it.

I talked to a colleague this week who just adopted from Columbia, and she said their adoption took four years. Their child wasn’t even born yet when they began the process, and they were not matched with a child until the last year of the process. Wow!! I’m so grateful Judson has been home with us this whole time. July 24th was Judson’s one year anniversary in the U.S. We are so blessed.

Thank you Father God for your faithfulness to our family.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Judson's first camping trip

Yesterday was our first family camping trip. Well we're calling it a camping trip, even though we only went to grandma's camper for the day. : ) It was a test run to see how Judson would do without his bed for his nap and the usual comforts of home. He did great! He loved the swimming pool; that is until he decided to lift up both feet at the same time and went under. He REALLY loved the basketball court. He even ran into an ongoing game and stole the ball. . . LOL! The guys on the court were understanding about it and invited him to join their game. : ) He dug in the dirt with sticks and was amazed by the campfire at night. I guess he's ready for our next adventure. . . Lifest! Five days of camping!

Rozii and Joe had a great time too. There is a new activity: a huge jumping pillow where  10-15 people can jump at once. More than jumping on the pillow themselves . . . Rozii and Joe loved watching mom jump aka make a fool of herself. . . LOL! I guess they think I'm too old or something.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Serving Christ on the mission field

The other day someone asked me how man mission trips I’ve been on. I couldn’t tell her because I’ve lost count, and I know Jerry’s numbers are different than mine, as we don’t always go at the same time due to our children and their schedules and needs. But today I sat down to figure it out, and this is what I came up with, but to be honest there could be a trip or two that I’ve forgotten about or that has blended in with another one in my memory. Here goes: Our first trip was to the Dominican Republic (DR) in 2004; we also went there in 2005, 2007, and 2009. Now Jerry has been there since that, but I think 2009 was my last trip to the DR. My first time in Haiti was in 2006; then again in 2009 and twice in 2010. Rozii and Jerry have been in Haiti since I have, and Jerry will again leave for Haiti in October. We also took a team to Venezuela; I think that was in 2008, and we also took a team to Biloxi, Mississippi eight months after Hurricane Katrina. If I’m not forgetting anything, that is 10 mission trips. WOW! That is amazing. God is so good and  so faithful! I feel blessed to be used by my Father in this way. Each time we head out to serve I’m awed by Him. I could not imagine my life without my faith, without the joy and peace it gives me each day. I love the Lord, and it’s my heart’s desire to serve Him in whatever way he calls me.

If you've never been on a mission trip or would like to learn more about missions opportunities, please contact me. God bless!
Love Always,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good News!!!

We received some exciting news last night: Judson’s adoption is almost complete. Our dossier is out of IBESR, which approved us as Judson’s adoptive family. The next step is civil court. At this point in time we don’t know if we will have to go to Haiti and appear before the judge, or if because Judson is already here on medical visa, we will get to forgo this step. But it seems likely we will be heading to Haiti within the next several weeks. Once the judge signs the paperwork, we will have a finalized adoption from Haiti, and then we can start the process of adopting him in the US.

There are some hurdles that we definitely need to take to God in prayer. First and foremost is to thank him for his faithfulness to our family. It still amazes me every day that Judson is already home. Next, we need to pray that the judge will not require Judson to appear in court. We do not want to take him back to Haiti because if we do, it will be six to nine months before he’s allowed to leave. It’s kind of messed up, but if he goes back to Haiti, we will need to go through the usual channels for adoptive families to bring him back home. The US does not move quickly in these matters.

I’m asking you, our family and friends, to pray for Judson and our family during this time. There are still quite a few unknowns, but above all I trust the Lord Jesus to protect us and go with us. He is our deliverer and every present help in time of need. Again and again He has shown love and faithfulness to our family. Thank you Jesus!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Waiting for News. . . Trusting in Jesus

Once again we find ourselves waiting. Only this time we are not waiting for Judson to arrive, but waiting for his medical visa renewal and his adoption to be finalized in Haiti. Before, this was a painful wait, as we ached to be united with Judson. This time, however, we are blessed to have him home with us, and ask the Lord that Judson will stay home and won't have to return to Haiti. Thank you Lord. You've been so faithful to our family, and we put our trust in you.

This morning during my devotions, the Lord pressed two verses on my heart, and I'd like to share them with you:

The first verse comes from Psalm 27:14: "Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord."

Wait, hope, and expect.. . .this verse speaks so clearly to our present circumstances. The Lord is faithful and we must trust that He knows the end from the beginning and works all things for the good of those who serve him. While the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, He has come so that we may have life and have it more abundantly.

The second verse is from Isaiah 26:3: "You will guard and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind is stayed on You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You."

How perfect and fitting are those words. They were such an encouragement to me; they brought me peace and centered me on the Lord. While there are so many struggles in life, we are to find our peace through leaning on and hoping in Jesus our savior, our deliverer.

Please pray for Judson. The Lord hears our prayers. Thank you,

Love Always,
