Our Growing Family: Adopting from Haiti

Adoption...it is an exciting and yet somewhat frightening path to follow. I've decided to create a blog to describe this journey for several reasons: to document our adoption process, to help others who may have some of the same questions and concerns that we have or once had, and to share our experiences with our friends and family.

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord." --Romans 12:11

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Judson's first Christmas season

The first blizzard of the year—it seems like a good day to stay inside and update the blog.

Judson Elijah has now been home for almost five months, and the time has gone too fast. He’s growing so quickly and making great strides. He now weighs 16 ½ lbs and is 31 inches tall—quite tall for his age. Joey is counting on a basketball player for a brother. : )

Judson loves to talk and tries to imitate everything we say. “Deck the Halls” is his favorite Christmas carol as he likes to sing la la la la la—la la la la. He slams the football to the ground and yells, “touch down” and tells Gramma Bev’s dog Duke to “lay down.” He cannot say his first name yet, but says, “Elijah” quite well.

Christmas tree ornaments steeling is fun pastime at our house. The snowman is constantly disappearing, and Judson loves to shake the tree. One decoration that he doesn’t like is my dancing Frosty the Snowman. The stuffed snowman terrifies him when he starts wiggling his hips and waving his little green hat. Judson cries and runs for me with little outstretched arms. At least this is one ornament I can leave out without worrying that it will disappear.

We’ve recently started working on his medical visa renewal (his visa expires at the end of Jan.), and are praying that the government will grant him another six months in the U.S., so he can stay while we wait for his adoption in Haiti to be finalized.

Please keep him in your prayers over this Christmas season. We love you, and wish you and your family a blessed Christmas.

For God so loved the world that He gave is one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not parish but have eternal life.” John 3:16